
OLGU Data Analysis and Management

Business intelligence (BI) is the set of techniques and tools
for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful 
information for business analysis purposes. BI technologies 
are capable of handling large amounts of unstructured data
to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic
business opportunities. The goal of BI is to allow for the
easy interpretation of these large volumes of data.
Identifying new opportunities and implementing an
effective strategy based on insights can provide businesses
with a competitive market advantage and long-term stability.


BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, process mining,complex event processing, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics.

BI can be used to support a wide range of business decisions ranging from operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pricing. Strategic business decisions include priorities, goals and directions at the broadest level. In all cases, BI is most effective when it combines data derived from the market in which a company operates (external data) with data from company sources internal to the business such as financial and operations data (internal data). When combined, external and internal data can provide a more complete picture which, in effect, creates an “intelligence” that cannot be derived by any singular set of data.

Current municipal management information systems support just execution of operational processes and creation standard reports. New method and techniques that includes data mining should be used to utilize retrospective knowledge, to develop solutions which are close to human intelligence and to make prediction for the future.

It provides that local governments can discover hidden patterns, relationships, changes, irregularities, and rules from large datasets. Local governments can perform their decision making process more rational, more accurate and faster. Local government personnel can discover knowledge without having any theoretic information about data mining, by using developed business intelligence software.

The need to business intelligence increases

Increase in the prevalence of use of municipal management information systems and formation of huge data heaps that ordinary analyses are inadequate for, increase business intelligence need at municipal sector.

It simplifies to give information to the local government about current status and to make decision for the future. The usage of new technologies at municipal sector will become widespread. Additionally, it contributes to the national economy with income/expense, wastage and abuse analyses at local governments.

 It works as integrated with OMIS.


Increase in the prevalence of use of municipal management information systems:

In our country, municipal management information systems have become widely used to follow-up and control urbanization in fast-growing and developing cities, to meet investment and service activities in best conditions and to identify citizen needs. Huge data heaps are gotten through these systems. Using data mining is necessary to gethidden patterns, relationships, changes, irregularities, and rules in a word meaningful results.

Business intelligence need at municipal sector:

Current municipal management information systems support just execution of operational processes and creation standard reports. New method and techniques that includes data mining should be used to utilize retrospective knowledge, to develop solutions which are close to human intelligence and to make prediction for the future.

Producing a system that can be imported, in the country:

There is data mining software of some foreign companies. But these software are general purpose, they are not developed special to municipal usage. These software can be used by just experts and there is not expert at local governments in today’s conditions. And importing a system that includes data mining solutions will cause resource transfer to other country, will not be accordance with municipal management in our country and if it does not support Turkish then usage of software will not be easy.

Which analyses can I do with OLGU Data Mining system?

Socio-Cultural analyses

Income/Expense analyses

Infrastructure analyses

Fraud Detection analyses

Simplification, Verification and Similarity analyses

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