Smart Solutions for Smart Cities
Smart City Management Information Systems
Today, 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 per cent by 2050. Bringing technological solutions to governance of cities is a must nowadays.
Smart City MIS was developed for the need of information systems in municipalities.OLGU AKSys is an integrated system with Geographic Information System (GIS), Document Management, OLGU CRM | Citizen Relationship Management and Web technologies.
OLGU AKSys Basic Features:
Compatibility to Legal Statue: All operations about local government services are faster, safer and more correct through modules that include legal statue provisions and work full automatically without permitting to personnel to use initiative.
Fast Adaptation to Legislation Change: Legislation changes are followed from official journal and changes that should be applied to the program are done as soon as possible according to the scale of the changes and are loaded to local governments by using internet connection, instantly.
High Data Security: There is an authorization and security structure that can be determined in detail the basis of user for all processes (data entry, update, delete, query, etc.)
Automatic Accounting: Accruement, receiving, postponement, waived, offsetting, revision, bill, payroll, etc are entered into accounting account automatically.
Scalability: OMIS can be applied to all local governments include smallest town local government and biggest or metropolis local governments.
Modularity: According to feature and size of the local government, if required, instead of all modules, just important and necessary modules for related local government can be used.
Unique Citizen Register: All operations about local government service are implemented over unique citizen register.
Unique Real Estate Register: All operations about local government service are implemented over unique real estate register.
Unique Database: There is a common unique database structure that is used by all modules.
Unique Data Entry: There is a data processing structure that does not permit repetitions and provide usage by all modules when data is entered at first time.
Integrated Structure: One process in a unit of local government affects other related processes in other units through integrated and interactive automation structure automatically and synchronously.
Integration Between Municipals: Common citizen and real estate register can be used by using online connections between metropolitan municipalities and metropolis local governments.
Full Support to Management Decisions: There is opportunity that administrators can reach all information that they need to make decision about local government services whenever and the way they want.